Thursday, 8 July 2010

Top 7 Must Read Tips on Losing Belly Fat Fast

Do you do everything there is to try and make your stomach smaller, but with everything you do... you're just not getting results? Alright my friend, take a couple of minutes out of your day and read on to discover 7 proven tips on losing belly fat fast that enabled me to not only flatten my tummy but also drop 52 pounds in 8 weeks... permanently!

1.) Spices - Adding spices to your foods can do wonders for speeding up your metabolism. The great thing is that it is an easy thing to do and it's delicious! I recommend cayenne pepper, jalapenos, cinnamon, and hot peppers.

2.) Eat More - Whatever you do, please avoid low calorie dieting. This type of dieting will slow your metabolic rate down. Instead, I recommend for you to eat lower calorie meals... BUT eat more of them. This will skyrocket your metabolism. I recommend 4-5 meals for best results.

3.) Sleep More - Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night will increase your fat burning capabilities, boost your energy, and so much more.

4.) Increase Water - Get at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of fresh water each day. It's more affordable to get a filtration device for your water faucet as opposed to drinking expensive spring water... and it tastes the same. Increasing water intake will flush out toxins in your body, build muscle, burn fat, increase energy, and more!

5.) Naturally Skyrocket Your Metabolism - One of the greatest rules for losing belly fat fast is to ensure that your metabolic rate is running as high as possible. The trick is to ensure that you do so 100% naturally, otherwise it will end up decreasing when you stop that particular unnatural method. Natural ways to do this is typically based on nutrition such as calorie shifting and majority of the tips in this very article.

6.) Serious Exercising! - To effectively shrink that tummy, your exercises must be more intense. The key to removing stubborn fat and either get a toned belly or six pack abs is to lower your body fat percentage below 10%. The only exercise that will do this effectively is high intensity exercises such as circuit training, H.I.I.T, sprinting, incline treadmill, etc.

7.) Proper Nutrition - My friend, this is where it's at. Proper nutrition is the key to success. Firstly, avoid fad dieting (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.) as this will do you more harm than good, and secondly, I recommend that you get on a diet program that will have you EAT to lose weight instead of starving yourself or depriving yourself. Our bodies need ALL types of nutrients and the right amount of calories each day so that we can avoid slowing the metabolism down... and instead, SKYROCKET it to the moon for crazy fat loss!

Are you ready to Melt Away Fat FAST and lose up to 25 lbs. IN 1 MONTH? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

How to Lose Weight Naturally - The Easy Way

You may have often pondered on the subject of "how to lose weight naturally." If you are like most people, it seems to be a never-ending battle of the bulge. Have you seen your weight fluctuating up and down with your clothing sizes being a sort of one-of-each through the years? If this sounds like you, then it is time to do something about! Read on for the answer.

The secret to losing weight is simple, but if you do not understand the process and have no will power then it may seem like an insurmountable task. There are the fad diets, eat nothing diets and on and on, but the truth is a few simple lifestyle changes can help you learn how to lose weight naturally.

1. How big are you?

The first step is to set a base line of your size, so you will know when you make small but measureable accomplishments. First, measure and weight yourself. Measure your arms, waist, hips (at the largest part around you) and thighs. Next, weigh yourself and note the time of day, as you will want to weigh again in the weeks ahead at the same approximate time and with the same amount of clothing on. This will give you an accurate starting point.

You can go one step further by calculating your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the calculation of the amount of energy expended while your body is at rest. This takes into account the energy needed to breath and other body functions. This number will show you how many calories you need to function if you did nothing but lay in the bed all day.

To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn each day. Still if you do not eat as many calories as your BMR, you will lose weight but it will be mostly water and muscle loss instead of fat loss. This type weight loss is not healthy and will not stay off. You can learn how to calculate your BMR by searching it on the Internet.

2. How active are you?

Depending on your activity level, you will need to eat more or less calories per day. As you can see, your caloric intake needs to go hand in hand with your BMR and activity level. If you want to learn how to lose weight naturally, you will have to learn to have a calorie deficiency each day. You can use a calorie calculator in order to get an idea of the number of calories you will burn during your activities such as walking, exercise and everyday chores. These calculators are readily available online.

3. Write it down.

Keep a journal of your progress and record the following:

- Your weight and measurements (updated once per month)

- Your BMR (updated once per month)

- Your activities, exercise and calories expended (daily)

- Your meals and calories eaten (daily)

There are websites and software programs available to help keep track of all this if you are more prone to using the computer. It has been found that just journaling your progress can give you a greater chance of being successful and will make you more apt to stay on the plan. You will definitely become more aware of what and how much you eat.

Just by doing these three simple steps, you will learn how to lose weight naturally. If you are eating fewer calories than you are burning, you will absolutely lose weight! Once you become accustomed to the lifestyle change and see the results, you will be happy to continue. These are just a few quick steps you can do to get started. Would you like a more in-depth plan... keep reading?

Monday, 21 June 2010

Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week - 2 Very Easy Ways to Lose 5 Pounds in Less Than 7 Days and Keep it Off!

If you are trying to lose 5 pounds in 1 week and you cannot find the right solution of your problem then you are at right article. Just spend a little time and read the article to know the truth.

There 2 major strategies to cope with your weight problem:

1.) Proper Nutrition - The major and most effective thing is your nutrients which gives a long lasting impact on your health. If you are using right nutrients then you are going to lose unwanted fat but if you are not then you are going in wrong direction. Always make sure that you are not using fad diets like low carbs, low fats, low proteins and suffering starvation and sugar cravings. The all is just do mess with your metabolic system and resultantly your body begins to store fat in your body. Try to eat healthy food and don't suddenly stop the supply of calories to your body as this dangerously damages your fat burning hormones.

It is strongly recommended that you should always utilize healthy foods like healthy carbs, fibers, proteins and healthy fats. Vitamins and minerals also play vital roles and they are founded in vegetables and fruits. Don't let your body starve, eat more and more. Eating frequently with small amount of food tends to stop your body from storing fats.

2.) Metabolism - This is the heart of dieting. If it is not right then nothing is going to work. Metabolism is actually responsible for burning, storing fats in your body and building lean tissues. If you want quick, rapid and abrupt fat burning in an effective and efficient way then you should keep your metabolism at high rate because the high level of metabolism tends to burn fat from your body and low metabolism accumulates fat in your body. Metabolism should be enhanced by natural means. On the other hand, diet pills and fad diets somehow decrease your fat but it produce a rebounding effect that means you lose and regain your weight.

If you really want to lose 5 pounds in 1 week then it is strongly recommended that you should stick to above narrated 2 pointers strictly and consistently in order to make the things work in right direction.

Want to Melt Away Fat and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Weight Loss & Healthy Eating

If you are in good health but would like to lose weight, there are people who can provide you with a plan to suit your needs. When you register, you will set a target weight that will bring you to a BMI in the healthy weight-for-height category. However, your BMI is not suitable for everyone, so if you feel that your target weight is unrealistic, you can contact your training consultant at anytime and they will change your target weight to one you feel is more appropriate for you.

If you don't want to lose weight, but simply want to maintain your current weight through healthy eating, a plan can be provided to help with this too.

No matter what your goal is, any Nutrition team will calculate your calorie allowance based on your requirements and we will create your plan around this allowance. You don't have to do any calorie counting as our nutritionists do all that for you! Each week you will receive a 7 day meal plan, with breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner for each day, and a shopping list to match - this plan really will show you how to put healthy living principles into practice! People tell me that having their meals planned for them like this is the best way to help them to break unhealthy eating habits.

The plans are very flexible so you can change any meal on your plan and choose another one from our extensive selection, or you can swap meals around so, for example, if you prefer to have your main meal at lunchtime, you can continue to do so. It has been made as easy as possible for you to fit the meal plans in with your regular routine - remember, the most successful diet plan is the one you can stick with and make part of your lifestyle!

You can choose either a convenience*, combination* or recipe based plan. Your lifestyle and the amount of time you wish to spend preparing food will dictate which option is best for you. If you don't have much time for cooking, or if you don't like cooking, our convenience plan would be the most suitable option for you. It contains meals that are quick and easy to prepare, and you can even choose from some ready meals for days when you don't have any time to prepare food.

If you are busy during the day and don't have much time to spend preparing breakfast or lunch, but like to cook your evening meal, our combination plan would be perfect for you. If there are some days when you don't have time to make a recipe-based meal in the evening, your plan will be flexible enough to allow you to select something more convenient.

People who love to cook and try new recipes, and have more time to do so should opt for the recipe based plan. However, if you do choose this plan and occasionally want a more convenient option, again you can change any meal to a more suitable one.

You will be able to exclude certain foods when you register according to your preferences, and if there are still some foods on your plan that you don't like, you can avoid these by changing that meal to another one or swapping the individual food for another. We will give you guidance on doing this. If you are vegetarian or vegan*, you will be able to indicate this when you register, and we will create a plan to suit your preferences.

Nutritionists have even devised a Dining Out guide to keep you on track when you are eating out, so you won't ever feel deprived.

If you find that it doesn't really suit you, you can change your entire plan to a different one. If you need advice in relation to this, you can contact our nutritionists and they will point you in the direction of the most suitable plan for you.

So, as you can see, there's something for everyone! There's no right or wrong option - members on the convenience plan are just as likely to be successful as those on the recipe-based plan. What's important is that you choose the plan that is most suitable for you, because you will be more likely to stick to that plan, and therefore more likely to successfully achieve your goal.

*Please note that the Low-Carb Plan is only available as a recipe based plan, and is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.